Peach | he/him, ele/dele | digital artist

Alou! Welcome to my site! I'm still figuring out this whole personal page thing, but here's where I'm going to display my works and talk about my projects.

Also, quick note: The site looks a lot better on PC!

Sparkly stamp of the trans flag. Stamp that reads I love all of my 50+ OCs. Stamp with an image of a knight that reads I love knights. Stamp of a bust of two knights leaning on each other. Stamp of many blinking eyes. Stamp with swimming sharks on it that reads sharks are cool. Stamp of the Nintendo3DS bootup logo.

Link back to the site!

Working link.. soon :'|


Starting college soon... should've announced this hiatus sooner :(


  • 9/26/2022: Intro page to the site is completed.
  • 9/30/2022: Journal page is completed and first journal entry added.
  • 10/11/2022: Background patterns added, coloring adjusted, new journal entry added.
  • 11/29/2022: Overhaul of front page.
  • 11/30/2022: Stamps added.
  • 2/5/2023: Journal overhauled, new first entry added.
  • 2/9/2023: Minor changes to front page, new journal entry.
  • 3/23/2023: Added to site.
  • 8/17/2023: New journal entry, tweaked page styling.